I hate weeds! Isn't it amazing that the things that we WANT to grow take so much time and energy to nurture, and the things that we DON'T want to grow seem to so easily take over if not properly maintained and cut back.
I recently spent the better part of a day...and a second day...and then a evening, cleaning up weeds, and I'm still not completely finished. I sat and watched them grow, knowing they were there, but thinking, "I don't have time for that....I'll get to it later". Then the rain came and I couldn't possibly go out in the rain and clean them up??? Then the sun finally came, and it seemed almost overnight, the weeds had simply taken over. They were tall. Their roots were deep. It was no longer "a nothing". This was a major problem. Not only did it cost my time, but now...because of how big of a job it was....I had to spend money to buy stuff to help me....AND...physically my body hurt from pulling the weeds out.
You see what I mean? It started as something so small...something so easy to take care of if I would only invest a small amount of energy...or better yet, just maintain on a semi-regular basis. I pulled away....and they took over. My advise as I sit here tired and sore, and having to start again....
Stay aware of the weeds...and pull them out when they're small...when their roots haven't dug deep into the earth...while they're still manageable. You'll be glad you did.
Take care...
Well said Jer!
I bet your yard looks great!
I love you....
Look at you bein' all wise and stuff! Rock on! And it ties in so nicely with Steve's talk on Sunday, well done, Jeramy, atta boy!
Hey Jeramy!
cool stuff, and thanks for dropping notes on my blog, good to hear from you!
Amen brother!
Another great statement! Your rad!
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