Allergies SUCK! Seriously. In a about a 7 min. period yesterday, I went from fine, normal, jovial, sniff less....to a drippy, eye watering, head pounding, MESS!!! How is that possible? So, I figured that I'd just take some sudafed which always fixes me right up. Sharon had a different plan. She says that these are allergies, so I should take allergy medicine. But how come allergy medicine never works as good as sudafed. I took it yesterday afternoon and I am still all drippy and watery. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
My only consolation is that I'm going to my happy place soon. Hopefully I can kick the drippy's before I get there....
Take care...
Poor baby! Enjoy your happy place!
Brady said you have a big surprise for them there, can hardly wait to hear!
Right now I'd even be okay with allergies...we're still covered in snow! I was doing okay to not be too crabby until it started snowing again yesterday and my daughter so lovingly let me know that it had been 91 there... I am dreaming of something green to sneeze at!
I'm just telling you what Dr.L would say...
You have to keep using the nose spray too! As I'm typing this my eyes are BURNING!
Poor Cheryl... It's only nice here every other day....
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