So last night, our family went with some friends to celebrate a birthday (I'm not saying who or how old) at the birthday "person's" favorite pizza place. It was at Old Chicago Pizza in Petaluma and all I can say is WOW! First off....I love old towns, old buildings, history, that type of thing. This place certainly fit the bill. It was located in the heart of old town Petaluma which was built back in 1836. Some of the existing buildings even survived the great 1906 earthquake. It was pretty cool. Any ways. The restaurant was located on the 2nd floor of this really old building. We walked through this tunnel, then down a stair case, then up a stair case, then down a long hallway past several doors, and then we were there. Because our party was so large we were in a private back room, which I found out as we were leaving, used to be a "house of ill-repute". HA! Any how, the pizza was great. I'm not kidding...GREAT! And the history of the building just added to the intrigue. So...needless to say, if you're ever near Petaluma...be sure and stop by Old Chicago. It's worth the drive...for sure! Oh....thanks again Lucy!
Oh...also....note to self. Next time you're driving down Hwy 37 west on your way to dinner and there are signs saying "Hwy 37 East closed. 9:00pm - 7:00am....." PAY ATTENTION!
I'm still thinking about that pizza! I want to go back and build my own pizza! I could have had three + slices, but people were talking about how two was just too much for them... I could have easily packed in a few more!!!
I hope someone will ask me out on a date soon and we can go back...
(hint hint)
I know somone who can watch the kids!!
Okay, First off I want to say "THANK YOU LUCY!!!!!" And that I want to go back again soon!!! Second, DUH!!!!! We had a converstaion at the table about Hwy. 37 being closed!!! I thought you knew how to go the back roads and just wanted to stop at that Starbucks!!! And Sharon, I could probably eat 3 slices of Old Chicago but that would be on a day when we have been at Bodega Bay all day long and eating snacks then on the way home I would be SO hungry that I could chow down!! Hey I think I just planned a day out! (-:
And the kids were SOOOO WONDERFUL!!!! All 42 of them!!!
grandma Lucy ROCKS!!!
Hmmmm! I wonder who did not pay attention to the signs? Was it posted for everone? Must have been a pizza coma! Too funny Ha.
I read the sign to him...
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