surprise comes in the form of phone reports...and even facebook...
last night i received an e-mail from a dear friend. someone who i haven't seen in years. she and i used to sing together. one song in particular. i remember the first time we performed was almost magical. it seemed 'meant to be'...perfect. we sang it many times....even at a funeral once. that was tough. the song is a plea to god to restore something that was lost. replace something that once resided in the heart of a wounded person with something new, something better. stronger. it's a pretty amazing message.
in the e-mail from my friend, she told me that last week her mother had passed away. shocked and sad, i continued to read how she really wanted to sing that song at her mother's funeral this weekend. as i'm contemplating how in the world she will be able to get through it i read the line..."will you sing it with me...?"
now, i'm wondering how i'll get through it? i'll leave you with the words to the song. god is good, and big....and enough to help you through anything.
less of me...
Lead me beside the water so still
Let me catch my breath
Let me drink my fill
Let me lie in fields of green
Where only gentle breezes blow
I’ll reach out my empty hands
For the cup that over flows
Restore my soul, Restore my soul
I’ve stood too long here in these shadows
These valley walls are all I see
I need the skilled eyes of my Shepherd
Now my vision’s failing me
Then I will run and not be weary
I will walk and not faint
I will soar with wings of eagles
In God alone is my strength
Surely goodness and mercy
Will find their way to me
And I will live with them forever
I will have no more need
The Lord is my Shepherd
He is my God
I will live with Him forever
I shall not want
Restore My Soul
Sherri Youngward
That song is so healing. It's one of my all time favs and its even more special when you and Maria sing it.
I pray it will bring healing to may on Sat...
a powerful song for these sad times ... thanks for posting it! I'm sure God will give you and Maria the grace to get through it!
True mending music J. Praying for your friend and her family now. Also, that the Father would give you all you need to share your part.
so sorry for her loss. so nice she can lean on your voice and the strength of this song to help get her through this difficult time.
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