everyone needs compassion....right? a friend of mine was sharing a message at church on sunday about compassion, and as i sat there in the chair, listening...i was evaluating my own level of compassion. now, obviously i have some compassion...i am not completely compassionless...but what intrigued me was the areas that i don't have compassion, and in turn what that said about myself.
i don't have compassion when someone makes a choice that i don't agree with and then it doesn't work out for them. their choice. their consequence. deal with it...wow, did i really just say that out loud? i don't have compassion for people that give up. now...let me clarify...i have great compassion for those that feel like giving up...i totally get that. been there, done that, have the monogrammed t-shirt and boxer shorts (you're welcome steve). but to actually give up....well, let's just say that i truly believe in the core of my being that there is always hope. always a way. it may be uncomfortable or require you to change, but i believe that there isn't a hurdle out there that you can't overcome if you really put your mind to it. finally, i have no compassion for those that have the answer to the question and choose not to act on it. honestly, i just don't get that one. you know...and yet your pride keeps you from doing what needs to be done.
so, what does that say about me? self righteous? prideful? insensitive? how did i come to the spot where i feel so entitled to be discriminatory in my compassion for others? clearly, i haven't finished the race...but i'm running...and this message really helped me to see where i need to redirect. i challenge you to evaluate your own attitudes....if you dare! :-)
less of me...
I know exactly what you mean, Jeramy. Sometimes I find myself judging others, or feeling smug when they've done something that I adivsed against and it blows up in their face. Mean, huh? But we are all human. And the fact that you realize you're doing it is the first step to not doing it anymore. At least that's what I tell myself.
The good news is that God loves us right where we are and patiently waits for us to change. He has great compassion for us as we wander thru this world as sinners. There will not be perfection until eternity, but good for you to recognize and be transparent enough to share openly.
Great challenge J! If the ALL of the laws & prophets can be summed up simply in LOVE GOD LOVE PEOPLE - I better major and get my Phd in compassion. I sincerely want to grow in this area. Jesus left us a pretty high bar, huh?
what an awesome post! I am right there with ya on the one where people have the answer and don't do anything with it. I'm trying to look beyond that! :)
OH how I can identify with what you wrote. I understand all to well. It's a good thing He loves us no matter what.
So true! Great post and cool blog!
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