Thursday, January 15, 2009

get ready

today is special because next week at this time i will be basking in the glow of the season 5 premier of LOST. seriously, it's almost more then i can handle to wait any longer. i've started to realize (in my old age) that i've developed a significant list of comfort items (food, shows, music)...and LOST is definitely one of them. i guess that's ok. so, in honor of the impending premier....take a look at some of these sneak peaks. enjoy!


Mary Marantz said...

that's so exciting! tonight is the first new episode of the office since early december and I'm ready to throw a party! so i totally know how you feel!

Katrina said...

Ahh, I can't watch any sneak-peeks - still getting through Season 3. Totally not going to be caught up for the premiere.

Anonymous said...

LOST is absolutely, hands down the number one show in my books. I always get frustrated when the episode is is over.

I could probably give up TV entirely if I didn't love this show so much!

holly said...

My roommate and I started watching Season 1 in November, I think. I didn't think there was any way we'd get caught up in time for Season 5, but we accomplished some amazing feats including us watching all of Season 3 in one week (proud or embarrassed?) So I'm ready and totally pumped for Wed. Wish I could watch it with you guys. TV shows are always more fun to watch as a community. :)