Friday, January 23, 2009

for richer or poorer

my wife just reminded me of one of the vows that we made almost 11 years ago. i'm glad she didn't marry me for my money (snicker). ahhh, here's to the joy of spending money on new glasses at entirely the wrong time....not that there is a right time. but what can you do? i'm still smiling!

"it's not having what you's wanting what you've got"
-sheryl crow

have a great weekend! less of me...

PS....big up to my other boss and friend, steve kiefer on his birthday today! steve, you've seen a million faces and you've rocked them all! have a great day! love you bro!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure some black duct tape would take care of it...

Sharon said...

It will all work out in the end...

To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven

(whos singing with me)

Natalie said...

I'm singing with you! I am also singing "Happy Birthday!"
Happy Birthday Steve! Hope you feel better...

Pastor's Perspective said...

Love you J! Thanks!

jeramy sossaman said...

...a time to be born...a time to die....

Sharon said...

a time to plant and a time to uproot,

jeramy sossaman said...

just an update...i got my old glasses repaired and i'm waiting for my new ones.