it was tough to really think about the answer as (the extremely good looking) jasmine star asked this question during david jay's "free to succeed" seminar that sharon and I attended on monday.
"who am i"?
i don't know! how do you answer a question like that? the point that she was getting at was that who we are needs to be reflected in our business, because that's what set's us apart. that's what makes us unique....valuable. so, i've been thinking about it....this is all i've come up with so far....
i'm a 31 year old white kid with 10 years of marriage and four children under my belt. i'm a musician and a songwriter. i'm affectionate...sometimes. i'm irish. i'm a high school graduate. i'm anti-social. i'm a christian. i'm employed. i'm a computer (mac) geek. i'm a surfer. i'm a lover. i'm loyal. i'm selfish. i'm funny. i'm an encourager. i'm a dog person. i'm smart. i'm a diva. i'm extremely humble. i'm generous. i'm a hard worker. i'm a homebody. i'm a social butterfly. i'm very serious. i'm a neat freak. i'm sentimental. i'm soft hearted. i'm a dreamer.
isn't it amazing how one individual could be so many different things. have you ever ask yourself this question? who am i? the answer is what makes you special....
take care...
I've heard the question at various church retreats and trainings, it is a relevant question in so many aspects of life and faith. It is a tool towards learning to value ourselves as God's creation, in seeing what ways we are best equipped to serve God, what evangelistic approaches we are best suited for, what weaknesses we need to give over to God, etc...
Learning who we are can make us better friends, better able to serve others, overall better people. And as we are constantly growing and changing it is important to keep up, reevaluate, ask the question.
I'm so glad this event you went to got your mental juices flowing - and mine! Thanks!
You didn't mention how super cute David Jay is!
I'll be back later with a more serious answer!
You, anti social..no way! Such good things to think about, I need to work on that list. At the infamous "workshop", I was talking to MeRa and Brian about having a story and how that helps define who you are. At the time, I did not think I had a story, but was proved wrong. Now to write that story!
Jeramy, you forgot one....
you're a blogger!
Good stuff to think about thanks for posting it!
It's interesting to read how you view yourself! What is even more interesting is that alot of the things you mentioned are characteristics that you were born with and demonstrated as a child and others of course have been developed as you have grown into manhood and the life you have chosen. Introspect and evaluation of one's being is always good. The longer I live, the longer I am saved, I am in such amazement that God chose me to be one of his own. The good news is God gives each of us gifts that can be used for good. The hard part is on the flip side of those good gifts and characteristics is the negative side that can raise its evil head if we are not yielded to the one that is able to change us. Good food for thought!
You're also the only 'Heel Artist' I know. Your work is still on my driveway! Seriously, great topic and challenge to us all.
This begs the question...
Is who you are what you do?
Once your question is clarified then I can work on my list... Til then I am just a jumbled ball of confusion inside...
This is a very good question! As a new child of God, a princess of the king I am trying to figure this out. As old habits and thought patterns die, I do sometimes feel a bit lost as to who I am. As I allow God to change me, I am being introduced to a very new person in all areas of my life and I am finally starting to like who I am! I am learning to not ask so many questions and rely on Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans for good and not evil, to give you a future and a hope." Once I fully trust this, I will better know who I am. Thanks for such good food for thought!
Kare - Wow! I really appreciate what you shared about God at work in your life! In the eyes of the Lord you are already beautiful and wonderful, but it can be a difficult and ongoing process for us to let go of our old selves and fully embrace our new identity in Christ! Thanks for reminding me of that - no matter where I am at in my faith that is always good to be reminded of that need to find my identity in Christ!
Okay I'll clarify for you Nat...
Say someone is a Doctor and they are asked, "Who are you?"
And they answer, " I'm a Doctor."
That's WHAT they do. Not WHO they are.
Or is it? Would the core of who they are be any different if they were say... a teacher?
I'm a mother, but is that WHO I am? Would I be less "Spunky" if I wasn't? I was "spunky" before I was a mom...
Natalie and Sharon,
I think what you do is PART of who you are. Some things, like Sharon said, would probably be the same about you regardless of your chosen occupation. But the choices we make in life are both a reflection of who we are and end up having an effect on who we become.
Sharon & Lauren,
Thanks for the clarification. I need to go make a list and spend some time in my closet... When I am finished I will let you know... I bet you were spunky before you became a mom, Sharon. I was just OOC!
Jeramy - you know how I feel about this post. We've already discussed it. I'm declining to comment (and you know why).
BUT - just to clarify... did you catch that Steve called you a "heel artist." I didn't see that one coming. Pretty accurate though. Don't you think?
The best answer to 'Who Are You' I ever heard was from Brendan Manning (Ragamuffin Gospel) - "I'm an angel with a strong propensity for beer."
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