Thursday, June 12, 2008


we've all felt this. some of us may be there right now. we may conceal our hurt...but it's still there...maybe just under the surface or perhaps far enough down that only a close friend can see. it effects every part of us. how we work. how we relate to other people. how and what we think of ourselves. sometimes, we're not even aware of it ourselves...or maybe we've just convinced ourselves that we're over it. no one wants to seem weak or out of control. everyone wants to appear strong. but we're not. we're all the same. we all need rescue.

last night, while sitting on my couch watching the closing credits of 'criminal minds' i heard the words to the song playing in the background. soon i was searching google for the lyrics. i'd encourage you to watch this video sometime when no one is around, when you can let go and not feel self conscious of your surroundings.

we're all broken, and barely holding on at times...

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” - Jesus


Chelle said...

Wow. Thanks for sharing. I'm speechless.

Anonymous said...

True that. I love Lifehouse... I better get my behind down to comcast and prove to them my address is real so I can get internet and watch that video. Thanks for sharing, you are awesome!

james said...

you big lug

Amanda Mays said...

I LOVE this song and Lifehouse. I actually was listen to this song in Sonoma. On one of the night's driving on the country roads back to my hotel and it spoke to me then as it does everytime i hear it! Music spoke to me so much during that trip, I still have to blog about the Glen Ellen-Nicole Nordman cry ;)

Sharon said...

What a song...

Anonymous said...

Moved. It's when we no longer get moved that we must be concerned. Thanks for sharing your heart and this clip J.