Ok...so yesterday, while having a wonderful relaxing afternoon with friends, I had a slight slip of the tongue. I was describing driving around our neighborhood and how you give the "neighbor wave" to your neighbors that you don't know so well...but that you recognize. Everybody with me? Only, it came out as "weighbor nave". Everyone laughed hysterically. I thought it was pretty funny too.
That got me thinking though....how come we don't know the people that we live so close to? Why do we drive right into our garages and walk right in the house? I was trying to see if I knew any of my neighbors names....I only came up with one. Why do we do that? Maybe I'm the only one...
So...here's the challenge....introduce yourself to one of your neighbors. If you've lived in the same place for awhile (like me), this may be a little uncomfortable because it will require a little humility as you admit that you don't really know their name even though you "weighbor nave" them everyday....but don't worry, they'll be equally nervous....because chances are, they don't know your name either.
Good luck! Turn a "weighbor" into a neighbor!
Take care.
So good! I'm still cracking up about that today! And you did beat me to the punch. I was totally going to rat you out on my blog! Good move. For the record though, I love your thoughts. So true. We're all just "too busy" these days. I'll try to be a better weighbor if you will.
Okay, mister! I fixed it. Sorry about the dizzyness. Let me know if I need to help out with any doctor's bills there. haha
uh...you said nave. huh huh...
haha. That was pretty funny yesterday. I just met your challenge for the first time when we were parking after work. Derrick and I met our downstairs neighbor. I like your little slogan "turn a weighbor into a neighbor!"
Maybe I should make up a bumper sticker or a t-shirt
Funny! The other day my friend said "triffle bi-cocals" instead of triple bi-focals hahah ;)
yeah, i had some help...some grape juice....just a little (wink, wink)
An easy way to get to know neighbors...get a dog and walk it. I know just about every neighbor on my street and many on the next just walking the dogs over the years. Or walk a kid:) Walks solve a multitude of psychosis.
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