My amazing wife went a photography workshop in Sonoma a couple weekends back with Me Ra Koh. For those of you that don't know....she's amazing. It was a life changing experience for Sharon and long over due I think. She was like a kid in a candy store. Taking pictures all weekend and learning about something she loves from someone she really respects.....it doesn't get much better then that. I had the privilege of going to dinner with Sharon on Saturday night with all the workshop girls (and brian) at this fabulous restaurant in Sonoma. Yum, yum, yum is all I have to say. But the atmosphere and company were by far the best part.
So, I'm well aware that Sharon is amazing. Heck, it's why I fell in love with her. Seeing her grow and change over the years as we've had kids and maneuvered through life together has done nothing but endear her to me even more. But for her, to finally see in the mirror what I see when I look at her is the best thing ever! For her to really know that she can achieve whatever she sets her mind to and to know that she is special...well that's worth just about any cost.
As parents we have a great responsibility. Not only do we have to protect our kids, feed them, clothe them, teach them right and wrong...but we also need to inspire them to be the best that they can be. The best thing you can tell a child is that they are special, and that they can be anything that they want to be, if they just put there mind to it and work hard. There are no boundaries....just limitless, untapped potential, walking around this great big world of ours in the form of small people....maybe a few big ones too. It starts at home...it grows from there.
Take care....
Thats one of the BIG things I learned from this weekend. I know how deeply things said to a child cut. I now am so much more aware of what "tapes" I am putting in my kids heads. Am I inspiring them to be better or just putting them down and leaving them to feel bad about themselves? It's amazing how mush easier it is to actually try new things and put yourself "out there" when you know that you have people behind you. I want my children to know that they will always be successful as long as they go for their dreams...
Our quote of the week seemed to be this,
"What would you attempt if you knew you couldn't fail?"
Pretty insightful stuff going on around this blog. We are so blessed to live in a country where we can do anything we choose to do if so desired. The sky is the limit! We naturally gravitate towards our interest and where we do the best.You both are very talented and successful in your own way, thus will be your children.My son said to me one day, when we were having the big debate about music for a living said to me, Mom if I am happy in my life, doing music and I struggle to live, wouldn't the happiness I experience be worth it? Pretty insightful for a young man that has a problem being alone for two hours with his thoughts. Keep practicing Jeramy.
Oh my goodness as if Jeramys sentiments werent enough I click on here and read Sharon's .. **tears** You guys are the BEST!!!
I found my way over here from Me Ra's Blog. I sat accross from you at dinner...
I just have to say that I am so impressed by you, your words and your passion to help your wife achieve her dreams. These in and of themselves are wonderful traits.
Having read your response on Me Ra's blog, I can only say that you are an incredible man, to continue to want to grow, the be the best that you can for your family. For those things you indicated you feel you fall short on, all I can say is from my perspective, you have it in spades, my new friend.
Blessings to you and your wonderful family. I am so grateful to call Sharon a friend!
You're right ---- she's amazing! I'm so glad you're smart enough to love her and cherish her. You snagged yourself a real winner!
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